Applying Color to Bullets and Numbers in a List

Because of the way that Freeway applies its styling, it can be a little tricky to be able to style the text of an ordered or unordered list so that the numbers and bullets use the same color as the text in the list.

To fix this issue, you will need to create a custom CSS style for the list. To do this, select the text and numbers/bullets in the list, go to the Styles tab of the Inspector, click on the "+" button on the right of the Text header bar and choose New. This will open the Edit Styles dialog.

In the Edit Styles dialog, click and hold on the "+" button to the right of Character, choose an attribute (such as Font, Size, etc.) then set up the styling you want to use for your text. Because this article is about colorizing the bullets/numbers of the list, at least one of the attributes you need to choose will be Color.

The reason why bullets/numbers can be tricky to colorize is because a list requires "paragraph-level" styling to make it work - which means that there needs to be at least one attribute chosen in the Paragraph section of the Edit Styles dialog. The simplest fix is to click and hold on the "+" button to the right of Paragraph and choose Align (by default this will be set to left, so you can leave it as it is).

Click OK to close the Edit Styles dialog and you will see that the bullets/numbers in the list are now displaying in the same color as the color used for the text.